Practice: Oracle Shared Server: Managing Users, Performance Issues, and Configuring to Optimize Performance


In this practice we will look at Oracle’s shared server configuration and how to determine performance.





·        You have a 9i database up and running




1.      Determine the percent of the time each dispatcher is busy.


SQL> l

  1  select network "Protocol", status "Status",

  2  sum(owned) "Clients",

  3  sum(busy)*100/(sum(busy)+sum(idle)) "Busy Rate"

  4  from v$dispatcher

  5* group by network, status

SQL> /


Protocol                                 Status              Clients  Busy Rate

---------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------- ----------

(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(KEY=#676.1))     WAIT                      0  .00005158





2.      Determine the performance of the shared server processes using v$mts.


SQL> select maximum_connections, maximum_sessions, servers_highwater

  2  from v$mts;



------------------- ---------------- -----------------

                  0                0                 3





This completes this practice.

Practice: Using the Optimizer and Stored Outlines


This practice covers the steps to create, use, and monitor an Oracle stored outline.





·        An Oracle 9i database is up and running.

·        An HR schema with an employees table.




1.      Create an outline called emphire which selects the employee_id, first_name, last_name, and hire_date from the employees table that where hired in 96. 


SQL> connect / as sysdba


SQL> get emphire

  1  create or replace outline emphire on

  2  select employee_id, first_name, last_name, hire_date

  3  from hr.employees

  4* where hire_date like ('%96')

SQL> /


Outline created.



2.      Execute an alter session command to use stored outlines and run the query again.


SQL> alter session set USE_STORED_OUTLINES=TRUE;


Session altered.


SQL> get emphire

  1  select employee_id, first_name, last_name, hire_date

  2  from hr.employees

  3* where hire_date like ('%96')

SQL> /



----------- -------------------- ------------------------- ---------

        120 Matthew              Weiss                     18-JUL-96

        133 Jason                Mallin                     14-JUN-96

        145 John                 Russell                   01-OCT-96

        156 Janette              King                      30-JAN-96

        157 Patrick              Sully                     04-MAR-96

        158 Allan                McEwen                    01-AUG-96

        174 Ellen                Abel                      11-MAY-96

        184 Nandita              Sarchand                  27-JAN-96

        192 Sarah                Bell                      04-FEB-96

        201 Michael              Hartstein                 17-FEB-96


10 rows selected.





3.      Query dba_outlines and dba_outline_hints to see if the outline was used and what hints the outline is using for the query.


SQL> select name, used

  2  from dba_outlines;


NAME                           USED

------------------------------ ---------

EMPHIRE                        USED


SQL> select name, hint

  2  from dba_outline_hints;


NAME                           HINT

------------------------------ ----------------------------------------

EMPHIRE                        NO_EXPAND

EMPHIRE                        ORDERED

EMPHIRE                        NO_FACT(EMPLOYEES)

EMPHIRE                        FULL(EMPLOYEES)

EMPHIRE                        NOREWRITE

EMPHIRE                        NOREWRITE


6 rows selected.





This completes this practice

Practice: SQL Trace and TKPROF, Collecting Statistics on Indexes and Tables, and Copying Statistics Between Databases


This practice covers the steps to trace applications or queries and see the results and how to analyze tables.





·        An Oracle 9i database is up and running.

·        An HR schema with an employees table.




1.      Turn on SQL tracing for your session, run a simple query to generate some data, and turn SQL tracing off again. 


SQL> connect hr/hr


SQL> alter session set sql_trace=true;


Session altered.


SQL> @c:\emphire



----------- -------------------- ------------------------- ---------

        120 Matthew              Weiss                     18-JUL-96

        133 Jason                Mallin                    14-JUN-96

        145 John                 Russell                   01-OCT-96

        156 Janette              King                      30-JAN-96

        157 Patrick              Sully                     04-MAR-96

        158 Allan                McEwen                     01-AUG-96

        174 Ellen                Abel                      11-MAY-96

        184 Nandita              Sarchand                  27-JAN-96

        192 Sarah                Bell                      04-FEB-96

        201 Michael              Hartstein                 17-FEB-96


10 rows selected.


SQL> alter session set sql_trace=false;


Session altered.



2.      Run TKPROF against the output trace file.


Note: This trace file should be in the UDUMP directory.


SQL> host

Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]

(C) Copyright 1985-1999 Microsoft Corp.


C:\>tkprof c:\oracle\admin\dba9\udump\ora01524 output.txt


TKPROF: Release - Production on Thu Apr 3 12:56:18 2003


(c) Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.



3.      View the output file and find the information on the query that was run in step one.


C:\>type c:\output.txt


TKPROF: Release - Production on Thu Apr 3 12:56:18 2003


(c) Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.


Trace file: c:\oracle\admin\dba9\udump\ora01524.trc

Sort options: default




count    = number of times OCI procedure was executed

cpu      = cpu time in seconds executing

elapsed  = elapsed time in seconds executing

disk     = number of physical reads of buffers from disk

query    = number of buffers gotten for consistent read

current  = number of buffers gotten in current mode (usually for update)

rows     = number of rows processed by the fetch or execute call




alter session set sql_trace=true



select employee_id, first_name, last_name, hire_date

from hr.employees

where hire_date like ('%96')


call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current


------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  -----


Parse        2    100.14     200.00          0          0          0


Execute      2      0.00       0.00          0          0          0


Fetch        4      0.00       0.00          0          8          4


------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  -----


total        8    100.14     200.00          0          8          4



Misses in library cache during parse: 2

Optimizer goal: CHOOSE

Parsing user id: SYS


Rows     Row Source Operation

-------  ---------------------------------------------------




    6  user  SQL statements in session.

    2  internal SQL statements in session.

    8  SQL statements in session.


Trace file: c:\oracle\admin\dba9\udump\ora01524.trc

Trace file compatibility: 8.00.04

Sort options: default


       2  sessions in tracefile.

       9  user  SQL statements in trace file.

       3  internal SQL statements in trace file.

       8  SQL statements in trace file.

       4  unique SQL statements in trace file.

     103  lines in trace file.



4.      Analyze the employee table to generate statistics on the table and query the number of rows, blocks, empty blocks and average row length for the table.


SQL> analyze table hr.employees estimate statistics;


Table analyzed.


SQL> select num_rows, blocks, empty_blocks, avg_row_len

  2  from dba_tables

  3  where table_name = 'EMPLOYEES' and owner = 'HR';



---------- ---------- ------------ -----------

       107          3           12          71





This completes this practice.