Oracle9i Tuning Memory


Netg - tuning strategies


1. Tuning architecture and design


2. Tune application - SQL code.


3. Tune memory structures - SGA and user process memory.


4. Tune I/O - distribution of data files, segment types and tablespaces, tune interaction between data files and memory reads

and writes. The interaction between files can be tuned by separating the most frequently accessed data into different tablespaces

and separating tables from their related indexes. You can also separate rollback segments from tables and data dictionary objects

from all other objects.


5. Reduce contention about actions in the database. Tuning is needed to minimize time that processes have to wait until aresource available.

The resources include blocks, shared pools, locks and latches.


6. Tune OS to satisfy Oracle demand



Tools for memory tuning:

STATSPACK – a user PERFSTAT is automatically created by the installation script and granted read only privileges on V$ views. STATSPACK gives 4 different views at the tome of beginning or ending the snapshot. The sections are SQL ordered by gets, reads, executions, and parse calls.


EXPLAIN PLAN – evaluates performance of SQL and PL/SQL. You can use the utlexplan.sql to create PLAN_TABLE. The useful columns are OPERATION, OPTION and OBJECT_NAME.

An example:

SQL> @D:\oracle\ora90\rdbms\admin\utlxplan.sql



UPDATE hr.employees

SET SALARY = salary * 1.10

WHERE department_id = 30;


SQL> @D:\oracle\ora90\rdbms\admin\utlxplns

Plan table

The plan table can be queried directly or you can run either utlxpls.sql or utlxplp.sql depending on whether Parallel Query was used.


SQL TRACE and TKPROF (formatting of SQL TACE files)

A particular sequence of steps is necessary to diagnose SQL statement performance with SQL TRACE and TKPROF. The first step is to ensure appropriate init parameters. These can be set at the instance level. Some parameters can be set at the session level. Second, SQL TRACE must be invoked at either instance or session (better for performance reasons) level. Third, run the application or SQL code you want to diagnose.



Session altered

SQL> UPDATE hr.employees

SET SALARY = salary * 1.10

WHERE department_id = 30;

55 rows updated



Session altered

Fifth, use TKPROF to format the trace file generated during the trace session.

Finally, use the TKPROF results to diagnose the performance of the SQL statement. Two parameters in the init.ora file control the size of and the destination of the output file from the SQL TRACE. The MAX_DUMP_SIZE is measured in bytes or M is psecifed, otherwise the number represents OS blocks. The default MAX_DUMP_FILE is 10,000 OS blocks. The USER_DUMP_DEST specifies the trace file destination. To get timing information, the TIMED_STATISTICS must be set to TRUE.

There are 3 methods for enabling SQL TRACE at the session level:





Use the SYS=NO option of TKPROF to suppress recursive (SYS) SQL statements.



When you specify the EXPLAIN parameter, TKPROF logs on to the database with the username and password provided. It then works out the access path for each SQL statement traced and includes that in the output.

C:\TKPROF g:\oradata\orcl3\admin\udump\ora00044.trc EXPLAIN=hr/hr TABLE=plan_tab1 INSERT=STOREA.SQL SYS=NO SORT=(EXECCPU,FCHCPU)

TKPROF logs on to the database and uses the information available at the time that TKPROF is run, not the time when statistics were produced. TKPROF also reports Library Cache misses. This indicates the number of times the statement was not found in the Library Cache. You can type TKPROF at MS?DOS prompt to get help on the use. TKPROF collects several statistics. COUNT contains the number of times the statement was parsed or executed and the number of fetch calls issued for the statement. CPU has the processing time for each phase in seconds if the statement was found in the Shared Pool and zero for the parse because it needs no processing time. ELAPSED contains the elapsed time, in seconds. DISK contains the physical data block read from the database files. QUERY contains the logical buffer s retrieved for consistent read. CURRENT contains the logical buffers retrieved in current mode, usually for DML statements. ROWS contains the rows processed by the outer statement. For SELECT statements this is shown for the FETCH phase. For DML statements this is shown for the execute stage. The SUM of QUERY and CURRENT is the total number of logical buffers accessed.



AUTOTRACE generates a report on the execution path used by the SQL Optimizer and the statement execution statistics to tune the performance of DML statements. The advantage is that AUTOTRACE does not require you to use TKPROF to format the file. AUTOTRACE parses and executes the SQL while EXPLAIN PLAN only parses the SQL. The using AUTOTRACE begins with creating plan_table by running the utlxplan.sql. Second, create the PLUSTRACE roles by executing the plustrce.sql script. This grants SELECT privileges on V$ views to the role and grants the role to the DBA role. Grant the PLUSTRACE role to users who do not have the DBA role. Finally, use AUTOTRACE. The ON option produces the result set and the explain plan, and lists statistics. The TRACEONLY option displays the explain plan and the statistics, but not the results. The ON EXPLAIN option displays the result set and the explain plan results without the statistics. The STATISTICS option displays the statistics only.





Oracle SQL Analyze – shows explain plans based on different Optimizer modes.



Statistics – Collection Methods


The DBMS_STATS package contains several procedures that allow an index, table, schema or database to be analyzed. This package also allows you to gather most of the statistics with a degree of parallelism. DBMS_STATS gathers statistics only for cost-based optimization. The GATHER_DATABASE_STATS procedure collects statistics for all objects in the database. The GATHER_INDEX_STATS collects index statistics. The GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS collects stats for all objects in schema and GATHER_SYSTEM_STATS collects CPU and I/O statistics for the system. The gather TABLE_STATS collects table, column and index stats.

You can collect statistics on an object with the ANALYZE command. Although the cost-based Optimizer is not sensitive to minor changes in volume or selectivity, you may want to collect new statistics periodically on frequently modified tables to ensure optimizer uses recent accurate information.


Table analyzed

Using ANALYZE command to collect new statistics overwrites any existing statistics in the data dictionary and flushes any related execution plans from the Shared Pool.

You can estimate statistics with the ESTIMATE option. You can delete statistics as wel.





The size clause specifies the maximum number of histogram buckets (default 75, max 254).

Statistics – Table, Index and Columns

Each table maintains a high watermark in the segment header block. The high watermark indicates the last block that was ever used for the table. When Oracle performas full table scans it reads all the blocks up to high watermark. The DBMS_SPACE.UNUSED_SPACE can be used to find the high watermark and the number of blocks above the HWM.

An index clustering factor is an important index statistic for the Cost-based optimizer in estimating index scan costs. It is an indication of the number of logical data block visits to retrieve all table rows by the means of the index. If the index entries follow the table order, the value approaches the number of data blocks. Each block is visted only once. On the other hand, if the index entries randomly point at different data blocks the clustering factor could approach the number of rows. The USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS view offers a relevant subset of the columns displayed by the USER_TAB_COLUMNS. You can also use the DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS. However, the USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS does not containt the OWNER column. The NUM_BUCKETS column shows that regular column statistics are treated as a histogram with one bucket. When using regular column statistics, a minimum value and a maximum value are stored in each column. The Cost-based Optimizer uses these values to calculate predicate selectivity, assuming an even distribution of the data between the two extreme values. However, if your data is skewed this assumption may lead to suboptimal plans. You can use histograms to store more detailed information about the data distribution within a column by partitioning the column values in a number of buckets. This means additional data dictionary requirements. Buckets are height balanced, meaning that each bucket contains approximately the same number of values.


You generate histograms by using the DBMS_STATS package. You can  generate histograms for columns of a table or partition.


SQL> SELECT endpoint_number, endpoint_value

FROM user_histograms

WHERE table_name = ‘EMPLOYEES’ AND column_name = ‘SALARY’;

In this example a 10 bucket histogram is created on the salary column. The SIZE specifies the maximum number of buckets for the histogram. If the number of frequently occurring distinct values in a column is relatively small, then the set number of buckets to be greater than that number.

Statistics – Copying

To copy statistics, first use the DBMS_STATS.CREATE_STAT_TABLE to create a user defined statistics table. Second, use DBMS_STATS.EXPORT_SCHEMA_STATS in the production database to copy statistics from the data dictionary from the user-defined statistics table fro step 1. Third, use the Export/Import Utilities to transfer the statistics to a corresponding user-defined statistics table in the test database. Finally, use DBMS_STATS.IMPORT_SCHEMA_STATS to import the statistics into the data dictionary in the test database. The DBMS_STATS package can be used to back up statistics prior to analyzing objects. The backup can be used to restore old statistics and study changes in data characteristics over time.


To copy statistics from the data dictionary to a user defined statistics table, use EXPORT_COLUMN_STATS, EXPORT_DATABASE_STATS, ECPORT_INDEX_STATS, and vice versa


Tuning the Shared Pool and Buffer Cache

Shard Pool – Contents

The Shared Pool is a portion of the SGA that contains shared memory constructs such as shred SQL areas. The Library cache stores SQL and PL/SQL code. These are the fully parsed or compiled representations of PL/SQL blocks and SQL statements. The data Dictionary cache keeps information about dictionary objects. The UGA keeps information about shared server connections, when the Large Pool is not configured. UGA is located in the Shared Pool when using shared server and if the Large Pool is not configured. You set the size of the Shared Pool with HSRAED_POOL_SIZE parameter. It defaults to 8MB.

Shared Pool – Tuning Parameters

A cache miss on the Data Dictionary Cache or Library Cache is more expensive than a miss on the Database Buffer Cache. Tuning the Shared Pool is a priority. When you use the shared pool, you must concentrate on the Library Cache because the algorithm tends to hold data dictionary in memory longer than Library Cache data. Therefore, tuning the Library Cache to an acceptable cache hit ratio ensures that Data Dictionary hit ratio is also acceptable. If the Shared Pool is too small the server must dedicate resources to managing limited space available. This consumes CPU and causes contention. Statistics on the reserved pool from the V$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED view can help you to tune the parameters. On system with ample free memory to increase the SGA, the goal is to have REQUEST_MISSES = 0, not to have any request failures, or at least to prevent this value from increasing.

You use the ABORTED_REQUEST_THRESHOLD procedure in the DBMS_SHARED_POOL package to limit the amount of the shared pool to flush prior to reporting an ORA-4031 error and the extent of a flush that could occur due to a large object. The reserved pool is too small when the value for REQUEST_FAILURES is more than zero and increasing. To resolve this, increase the value of SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE and SHARED_POOL_SIZE. The settings you select for these depend on the SGA size constraint of your system. Increasing the value of the SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE parameter increases the amount of memory available on the reserved list without having an effect on users who do not allocate memory from the reserved list. The reserved list is used to maintain the large contigious chunks of memory in the reserved pool.

Too much memory may have been allocated to the reserved list if REQUEST_MISSES is = 0 and not increasing or free memory is greater than or equal to 50% SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE minimum. If either of these are true, decrease the value for SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE.


SQL> SELECT * FROM v$sgastat

WHERE pool = ‘shared_pool’ AND name = ‘free memory’;

SQL> SHOW PARAMETER shared_pool_reserved_size

When V$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED fixed table can also indicate when the value for SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE is too small. This may be the case if REQUEST_FAILURES is greater than zero and increasing. If you have enabled the reserved list decrease the value for the shared pool reserved size. If you have not enabled the reserved list, you could increase the value for the SHARED_POOL_SIZE parameter.


Library Cache – Tuning Goals

Maintaining information about frequently executed SQL and PL/SQL statements in the Library Cache improve the performance of the Oracle server. The goals for the tuning are reducing parsing and avoiding fragmentation. The Oracle server uses library cache to store SQL and PL/SQL. A LRU algorithm is used to manage the cache. To find whether a statement is already cached, the Oracle server reduces the statement to the numeric value of the ASCII text and uses a hash function of this number. The first goal for tuning the Library Cache involves parsing to a minimum. Ensure that the statements that miss criteria on exisiting SQL statements are kept to a minimum. If an application makes a parse call for a SQL statement and the parsed representation does not already exist in the shared SQL area of the Library Cache, Oracle parses the statement and allocates a shared SQL area. Ensure that SQL statements can share a shared SQL area whenever possible, by using as much generic code as possible and bind variables rather than constraints. However, bind variables should only be used with OLTP, not DSS. If an execute call for a SQL area containing the parsed representation of the statement has been removed from the Library Cache to make room for another statement, the Oracle server implicitly reparses the statement, allocates a new shared SQL area for it, and executes it. To increase memory for shared pool adjust the SHARED_POOL_SIZE parameter. If a schema object is referenced in a SQL statement and that object is modified in any way, the SQL statement in memory is rendered invalid. The second goal for tuning the Library Cache is to avoid fragmentation. You avoid fragmentation by ensuring availability of contigious space for large memory requirements through the allocation of reserved space in the Shared Pool area. You can also avoid fragmentation by pinning frequently required large objects such as SQL or PL/SQL in memory, instead of aging them out with LRU. Another way to avoid fragmentation is by using small PL/SQL packaged functions instead of large anonymous blocks. Memory fragmentation can also be avoided by configuring the Large Pool for Oracle Shared Server connections and measuring session memory used by shared server processes in oracle shared server connections.

Library Cache – Diagnostic Views

V$LIBRARYCACHE contains statistics on library cache management.

SQL> SELECT gets, pins, reloads


WHERE namespace=’SQL AREA’;

V$SGASTAT displays the sizes of all SGA structures. The contents of the Shared Pool are not aged out as long as memory is available in Shared Pool. V$SQLAREA contains full statistics about all shared cursors, and the first 1,000 characters of the SQL statement. V$SQLTEXT contains the full SQL text. V$DB_OBJECT_CACHE contains references of database objects cached, packages, tables and synonyms in SQL statements. The V$SQL_PLAN view contains columns derived from the PLAN_TABLE.


Shared Cursors – Parameters

V$LIBRARYCACHE view contains GETHITRATIO which determines the percentage of parse calls that find a cursor to share. This ratio must be in high 90 in OLTP environment. If not – the code must be improved. A cursor is a handle or pointer to a specific private SQL area. A cursor that is shared by multiple occurrences of the same PL/SQL statement is called a shared cursor. Oracle uses work areas to execute SQL statements and store processing information. A cursor lets you name a work area and access it stored information. To make efficient use of the space allocated to the SGA you close cursors when you finish using them . the OPEN_CURSORS parameter defines the number of cursors referencing private SQL areas allocated to the user process. A private SQL area continues to exist until the cursor is closed and therefore still exists after the completion of the statement. To take advantage of additional memory available for shared SQL areas you may need to increase the number of cursors permitted for a session. Application developers must close unneeded open cursors to conserve system memory. The default is 50.

The CURSOR_SPACE_FOR_TIME Boolean parameter, defaults to false, letting you use more space for cursors in order to save time. If you set it to true, you choose to use space gain time. Shared SQL areas are not aged out until the cursor referencing them is closed. Therefore, make sure that free memory is available and there are no cache misses. Do not change the CURSOR_SPACE_FOR_TIME parameter unless the value of RELOADS in V$LIBRARYCACHE is consistently 0. If your application uses forms  or any dynamic SQL leave the setting at FALSE.

The SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS parameter helps in situations in which a user repeatedly parses the same statements. This occurs in Forms applications when users switch between forms. All the SQL statements opened for a form are closed when you switch to another one. A SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS parameter causes closed cursors to be cached within the session. Therefore, any subsequent call to parse the statement will bypass the parse phase. This is similar to HOLD_CURSORS in the precompilers. To check if your settings is efficient compare the Session Cursor Cache hit and Parse Count session statistics in the V$SESSTAT for a typical user session. Remember that this increases overall demands on memory. The default is 0, no caching.


Library Cache – Reloads-to-Pins Ratio

The reloads to pins ratio can be computed using two methods. The first method is by using the V$LIBRARYCACHE view. V$LIBRARYCACHE displays whether statements that have already been parsed have been aged out of the cache. The number of reloads must not be more than 1% of the number of pins. Each row in the V$LIBRARYCACHE contains statistics for one type of item in the Library cache. The item described by each row is identified by the value of the namespace column. Rows of the table with NAMSPACE values SQL AREA, TABLE/PROCEEURE, BODY and TRIGGER reflect Library Cache activity for SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks. Rows with other values reflect Library Cache activity for object definition that the server uses dependency maintenance. Three keywords related tot the namespace are GETS, PINS, and RELOADS. GETS shows the total number of requests for information on corresponding item. PINS shows the number of executions of SQL statements or procedures for each of these areas. RELOADS shows the number or reloads counted for each of these namespaces. You can also use statspack to get the reloads-to-pins ratio. The library cache activity section contains the summary for the instance.


Library Cache – Sizing

There 2 possible reasons for the reloads-to-pins ratio being greater than 0. First, although required by successive reexecutions, shared parsed areas have been aged out due to lack of space. Second, shared parsed areas are invalidated. To avoid these frequent reloads, increase the SHARED_POOL_SIZE parameter. If a schema object is referenced in a SQL statement and that object is later modified, it becomes invalid. All dependent shared SQL areas are invalidated when a table, sequence, synonym or a view is recreated altered or dropped or procedure or package specs is recompiled.

There are a few steps for sizing the Library Cache. First, define the global space for stored objects such as packages and views. Second, define the amount of memory used by SQL statements. Third, reserve space for large memory requirements to avoid misses and fragmentation. Fourth, keep frequently used objects. Finally, convert large anonymous PL/SQL blocks into small anonymous blocks calling packaged functions. For existing application you can set up test and use the dynamic views to find out how much memory is used. Begin by setting the SHARED_POOL_SIZE parameter to a very large value, then run the application. To compute the sharable memory used for stored objects such as packages and views, use the query in this example. To compute the sharable memory used for SQL statements, you need to query V$SQLAREA after the application has been running for a while. For frequently issued statements, you can use the query in this example to estimate the amount of memory used  though this will not include dynamic SQL. You must also allow about 250 bytes in the Shared Pool per user open cursor. This can be tested during peak times:

SQL> SELECT SUM(250 * users_opening)

FROM v$sqlarea;

In a test environment you can measure sharable memory by selecting the number of open cursors for a test user. Fr example determine the number of current cursors for user SID 9 by querying the V$SESSTAT and V$STATNAME:

SQL> SELECT 250 * s.value_bytes_per_user

FROM v$sesstat s, v$statname n

WHERE s.statistic# = n.statistic#

AND ‘open cursors current’

AND s.sid= 9;

Multiply the resulting value by the total number of users. Your application must be ideally have a Library Cache as large as the sum of the numbers above plus a small allowance for dynamic SQL.



The DBA can reserve memory within Shared Pool to satisfy large allocations during operations such as PL/SQL compilation and trigger compilation. Smaller objects will not fragment the reserved list, helping to ensure that the reserved list has large contigiouys chunks of memory. Once the memory allocated from the reserved list is free, it returns to the reserved list. The size of the reserved list as well as the minimum size of the objects that can be allocated from the reserved list, are controlled by the SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE parameter, which controls the amount of SHARED_POOL_SIZE reserved for large allocations. Set the value of the SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE parameter to 10% of the SHARED_POOL_SIZE. If the SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE is more than 50%, the server signals an error. The V$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED helps in tuning the reserved pool and space within the Shared Pool. The REQUEST_FAILURES column contains the number of times that no memory was found to satisfy a request.


Keeping Large Objects

Loading large objects is the primary source of fragmentation. User response time is affected because of the large number of small objects that need to be aged out from the Shared Pool to make room. To prevent slow user response time keep these large or frequently required objects in the Shared Pool to make sure they are never aged out of the Shared Pool.

SQL> SELECT name, namespace FROM v$db_object_cache

WHERE sharablemem > 10000

AND (type = ‘PACKAGE’ or type = ‘PACKAGE BODY’

OR type = ‘FUNCTION’ OR type = ‘PROCEDURE’_

AND kept = ‘NO’;

Objects to keep include frequently required large procedural objects such as STANDARD and DIUTIL packages, and those for which shareable memory exceeds a defined threshold.


Additionally, compiled triggers that are executed often on frequently used tables and sequences are also kept because sequence numbers are lost when the sequence is aged out of the Shared Pool.

Startup time is the best time to keep these objects because that prevents further fragmentation. Flushing the Shared Pool using the ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH SHARED POOL command does not flush kept objects.

To create the package used to keep large objects run the dbmspool.sql script. The prvtpool.plb script is automatically executed at the end. These scripts are not run by catproc.sql.


Eliminating Anonymous  PL/SQL Blocks

There are 2 solutions for eliminating large anonymous PL/SQL blocks. First, find them and convert them into small packaged functions. Second, if an anonymous PL/SQL block can not be turned into a package, it can be identified in the V$SQLAREA and marked KEPT.

A procedure that keeps anonymous blocks in memory.


BEGIN x:=5;



PL/SQL Procedure successfully completed

SQL> SELECT address, hash_value

FROM v$sqlarea

WHERE command_type = 47

AND sql_text LIKE ‘%KEEP_ME%’;


678822E4          4052616553

SQL> EXECUTE DBMS_SHARED_POOL.KEEP (‘678822E4,4052616553’)


Data dictionary Cache - V$ROWCACHE

SELECT parameter, gets, getmisses

FROM v$rowcache;

Data Dictionary Cache - Tuning Goals

The reatio of the sum of all GETMISSES to the sum of all GETS should be ideally less than 15% during normal running.

If it is hgher, consider increasing Shared Pool size parameter. If a STATSPACK report indicates a higher GET_MISS and GET_REQ

 ratio for a number of items, this indicates the SHARED_POOL_SIZE must be increased.


Buffer Cache - Managing

When a server needs a block, it follows several steps to read the block. First, the server checks whether the required block is avalable in the Buffer Cache

by using a hash function. If the block is found, it moved to another point in the LRU list away from the LRU end.

This is a logical read because no actual I/O took place. If the block is not found in Buffer Cache the server process has to read from the data file.

Second, the server process searches the LRU list for a free block before reading from the data file. If the checkpoint queue excceeds its size threshold the server

signals DBWn to flush dirty blocks from the data Buffer Cache. If the Server cannot find a free block within  asearch threshold, it signals DBWn to flush. Fourth, if the

block is found the server reads the block from the data file into the free block in the database Buffer Cache. TheOracle serevr process moves the data block away from the

LRU list.

If the block is not consistent the server rebuilds an earlier version of the block from the current rolback segments. The DBWn manages the buffer cache by writing dirty blocks to the data

files to ensure that there are free blocks for the servers. DBWn responds to different events in the instance. When a server process finds that the checkpoint queue has exceeded its size threshold, it signals DBWn to flush.

DBWn writes out the blocks on the checkpoint queue. When a tablespace is altered offline temporarily or its online backup is started, DBWn copies the dirty blocks for that tablespace from the LRU to the checkpoint queue and writes out the blocks

on the checkpoint queue. Fifth, a server process that cannot find a free block on the LRU list within the search threshold signals DBWn to flush dirty blocks. DBWn writes out the dirty blocks from the LRU lsit. Sixth, DBWn wakes up every 3 seconds

to check the checkpoint queue for blocks to write. DBWn moves dirty blocks from the LRU list. If there is no update activity for extended periods of time, DBWn writes all the dirty blocks during the 3 seconds time outs.

FInally, when Log Wtriter LGWR signals that acheckpoint has occured, DBWn copies dirty blocks from the LRU to the checkpoint queue.


Buffer Cache Hit Ratio Tuning

The Buffer Cache Hit ratio is a ratio of the number of blocks found in memory to the number of blocks accessed. When the buffer cache is too small, the system slows down because it performs too many I/O.

The DBA monitors the Buffer Cache by using the V$SYSSTAT, the utlestat.sql and utlbstat.sql, or the STATSPACK utility. And second, the V$DB_CACGE_SDVICE view can also be used to monitor the usage of the Buffer Cache.

To improve the buffer cache hit ratio, the DBA has four options:

1. Increase the size of Buffer Cache

2. Multiply buffer pools to separate blocks by access characteristics

3. The DBA can configure the tables to be cached in memory when they are accessed by full table scans.

4. Configure to bypass Buffer Cache for sorting and parallel reads.

The DBA determines the change in the hit ratio as buffers are added or removed. A s ageneral rule, increase Buffer Cache size if the cache hit ratio is less than 90% or if there is adequate memory

for other processes without inducing additional page faults. Increasing the size of the database buffer cache does not always improve performance.

For example, in a large data warehouse or DSS that uses many scans of large tables, most of the data is read from disk. For such systems, tuning Buffer Cache is less important, and tuning I/O is vital.

You need to consider the impact of OS caching. For example, the Oracle servermay show a high rate of physical I/O that does not appear at the OS level. This could mean that Oracle blocks are aged out of Buffer Cache are kept in the OS cache and can be quickly accessed.

However, it generally is better to bypass the OS cache. More memory may be required to maintain duplicate blocks

in memory including one block in the OS and one in Buffer Cache. The OS caching is also avoided when there is the CPU overhead of copying blocks from the OS cache to the Buffer Cache.


Buffer Cache - Views

The V$SYSSTAT lists system statistics and contains the statistics to calculate the cache hit ratio for the system. This view contains number, name, class, and value for each system stat.

The V$SESSTAT lists session statistics and contains the statistics used to calculate the cache hity ratio for a sesison. This view shows session identifier (SID), the statistic number and value.


Buffer Cache Hit ratio – Measuring

The database Buffer Cache performance, as measured by the hit ratio, records the % of times that a data block requested by aquery

was already in the memory. The server collects statistics on data access and stores them in in the dynamic view V$SYSSTAT. You measure the

cache hit ratio by using several system statistics.

Physical reads contains the number of blocks read from the disk.

SQL> SELECT name, value

FROM v$sysstat

WHERE name = 'physical reads or name = 'session logical reads';

To begin measuring the cache hit ratio, first query the V$SYSSTAT view to get the values of Physical reads, physical reads direct, physical reads direct (LOB),

and session logical reads. Second, calculate the hit ratio for the buffer cache with the formula:

Hit ratio = 1 - (physical reads - physical reads direct - physical reads direct (LOB)) / session logical reads

Session logical reads gives the total number or read requests for data. This value includes requests satisfied by access to buffers in memory and requests that

cause a physical I/O.

Finally, multiply the ratio by 100 %. You must query the statistics during normal business hours, but not immediately after startup (buffer cache).

Hit ratio is affected by full table scans, data or application design, large tables with random access, badly written SQL and uneven distribution of cache hits. If your buffer cache hit ratio is low

them you can increase the number of buffers in the cache to improve performance. To make the buffer cache larger allocate more meomory to the buffer cache by decreasing the size of other SGA components

with unused memory. If there is room for SGA to grow, increase the value of the DB_CACHE_SIZE and increase the size of the DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS.

If your hit ratio is high your cache is probably large enough to hold your most frequently accessed data. In this case you can reduce the cache size and still maintain good performsance. Also, check your SQL statements

for tuning. To make the BUFFER_CACHE smaller reduce the value of the DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS and DB_CACHE_SIZE parameters. The minimum of DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS is

4. You can use any leftover memory for other Oracle memory structures. Do not continue increasing DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS and DB_CACHE_SIZE if the last increase made no significant difference in cache hit ratio.

As a genral rule, you increase DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS and DB_CACHE_SIZE under the conditions that the cache hit ratio is less than 90%, there is adequate memory for other processes as measured by the amount of page faults, and the previous

increase of DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS was effective.


Buffer Pools

The DBA may be able to improve the performance of the database Buffer Cache if he creates multiple buffer pools. Objects are assigned to a buffer pool depending on how the objects are accessed.

1. KEEP POOL is used to retain objects in memory that are likely to be reused. Keeping these object in memory reduces I/O operations.

2. RECYCLE POOL is used to eliminate blocks from memory that have a little chance to be reused. Flushing these objects from memory enables you to allocate the space that would be used by their cache buffers to other objects.

3. DEFAULT POOL always exists. It is equivalent to the single Buffer Cache.

You can define the 3 buffer pools. To segregate tables, use the STORAGE clause on the underlying tables.


STORAGE (buffer_pool KEEP);

There 3 init parameters used to define multiple buffer pools. First, DB_CACHE _SIZE defines the number of buffers for the default pool in Oracle9i. This pool is individually

configured and the other pools do not become a part of this pool. In Oracle8i, DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS parameter defines the size of the buffer cache for the instance. In Oracle8i each individual buffer pool is created from this total amount, the

remainder is allocated to the default buffer pool. Second, DB_KEEP_CACHE_SIZE is used to define the buffer pool blocks of data that you intend to retain in cache. In Oracle9i, the memory blocks for the keep pool are independent of the

DB_CACHE_SIZE, whereas in Oracle9i memory for KEEP pool is allocated from that defined in DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS. Finally, DB_RECYCLE_CACHE_SIZE is used yo define the buffer pool for blcoks that may not be retained in memory for long. The RECYCLE pool

gets allocated from the DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS in 8i. The minimum number of buffers that must be allocated to each pool is 50 times the number of LRU latches.

Buffer Pools - Defining

SQL>ALTER TABLE hr.employees


If the buffer pool is too small, it is possible for a block to age out of the cache before the transaction is completed. The DBA can monitor the number of buffer pool blocks by object by using V$CACHE created by catparr.sql.

V$CACHE is intended for use with RAC and creates a number of other views that are useful only for RAC. V$CACHE maps extents in the data files to database objects and needs to be rerun after new objects have been created. You can determine the number

of blocks required for objects in the recycle pool. First, begin by tuning Buffer Cache with the RECYCLE pool disabled. Second, run catparr.sql to set up and populate V$CACHE. Thired during pick running times query to calculate how many blocks are used 

by each object:

SQL> SELECT owner#, name, count(*) blocks

FROM v$cache

GROUP BY owner#, name;

Finally, sum the blocks for all objects that will be used in the recycle buffer pool and divide by fourto get

RECYCLE pool size. You divide by 4 because 1/4 of the blocks targeted for the RECYCLE pool are active. The other 3/4 are wating to be aged out of the cache.

Also, V$SESS provides I/O stats by session.


Buffer Pools - Views

The V$BUFFER_POOL_STATSISTICS view displays statistics such as prysical writes, consistent gets, and free buffer waits against the multiple buffer caches, if allocated.

The DBA_SEGMENTS, USER_SEGMENTS dieplays info about segments within all or user accessible tablespaces. USER_CLUSTERS describes clusters. USER_INDEXES describes indexes owned by current user. USER_TABLES describes all relational tables. USER_OBJECT_TABLES

describes all objects owned by current user.

The V$BUFFER_POOL describes the buffer pools allocated. When the server retrieves blocks by using a full table scan, the block go to the end of the LRU list. The blocks are used the next time a free block is needed, which means they are available for other processes.

You can choose to alter this behavior by caching the tables at the most recently used MRU end of the list.

You can create the table by using the CACHE clause. Next, by altering a table with the CACHE clause. Finally, by coding the CACHE hint in the query.

The CACHE clause is indicated when you create small lookup tables used by many users. You may overcrowd teh Buffer Cache if you have many cached tables.

In addition to buffer cache hit ratio, you can use other diagnostics.

You must consider increasing the buffer cache size if there are high or increasing values for the FREE_BUFFER_INSPECTED in V$BUFFER_POOL_STATISTICS. This is the number of buffers skipped to find a free buffer. Buffers are skipped because they are dirty or pinned.

You can find out if there have been waits for buffers from V$SYSTEM_EVENT and V$SESSION_WAIT. There are 3 main events to look for. These events are BUFFER_BUYS_WAIT (there are some buffers in the buffer cache that multipleprocesses trying to use concurrently),

 FREE_BUFFER_INSPECTED, and FREE_BUFFER_WAIT. If there are no waits then the event has not yet occurred. Query V$WAITSTAT for the wait statistics for each class of buffer. Consider using automatic segment space management or increasing freelists to avoid multiple processes attempting to insert into the same block.

UNDO HEADER displays contention or rollback segment header. If you are not using automatic undo management and more rollback segment.

UNDO BLOCK displays contention on rollback segment block. If you are not using automatic undo management, then consider making rollback segment sizes larger.

The FREE_BUFFERS_INSPECTED eventis a measure of how many buffers on the LRU list are inspected by a process looking for a free buffer before triggering DBWn to flush buffers to disk. The FREE_BUFFER_WAIT event indicates that a server process was unable to find a free buffer and has posted the DBWn to write to disk. To resolve

the contention involved DBWn has to make blocks available faster for writing. To achieve this examine ways of speeding up the writing processes. This event is also an indication that the Buffer Cache is too small. DBWn may not keep up with writing dirty buffers based on several situations. First, the I/O system is slow. Second, there are resources it is waiting for.

Third, the Buffer Cache is so small that DBWn spends too much time cleaning out buffers for several processes. Finally, it is so big that one DBWn process is insufficient to free buffers in the cache to satisfy requests. If this event occuring frequently, then examine the session waits for DBWn to see whther ther eis anything delaying DBWn - V$SESSION_WAIT.


Freelist Contention - Resolving

A freelist is a list of data blocks that usually includes blocks existing in a number of different extents with the segment. When an insert occurs, the free list is used to determine which blocks are availabale for inserts. many server processes can contend for the same free list if many inserts are occuring. This results in freelist contention while server process incurs waits.

Single CPU systems do not benefit greatly from multiple free lists because the CPU system manages one process at a time. Even in a single CPU system, however, adding freelists may ensure that the processor is used more effectively, but care must be taken when adding free lists. The overall tuning goal for free lists is to ensure that there are a sufficient number of freelists

to minimize contention. By using automatic free space management Oracle stopres free list information inside bitmaps that are faster to update.


'file_seg.dbf' SIZE 1M


The overall tuning goal for free lists is to ensure that there are a sufficient number of free lists to minimize contention. The V$SYSTEM_EVENT, V$WAITSTAT and V$SESSION_WAIT dynamic performance views are used to diagnose free list contention. The DBA_SEGEMNTS data dictionary view is used to identify the objects that needed to be modified to increase the number of free lists.

The FREELIST keyword is used at the segment level. The number of free lists can be changed by ALTER TABLE <> STORAGE (FREELISTS 5); statement. Notice that you can not alter the free list sopreage parameter  for segments in tablespaces with AUTO SPACE MANAGEMENT.

You can query V$WAITSTAT and V$SYSTEM_EVENT to determine whether there is freelist contention. If the high numbers are returned, you must identify the objects.

SQL> SELECT * FROM v$waitstat

WHERE class = 'segment header';

SQL> SELECT event, total_waits

FROM v$system_event

WHERE event = 'buffer busy waits';

SQL> SELECT * FROM v$waitstat;

SQL> SELECT event, total_waits FROM v$system_event;

To reduce the value of BUFFER_BUSY_WAIT on data blocks, change PCTFREE and/or PCTUSED. Check for right-hand indexes, increase INTRANS and reduce number of rows per block.

To reduce buffer waits on segment headers, use free lists, increase the number of free lists or use free list groups. To resolve free list contention you must first identify the object. First, determine the file, block, and ID for which freelist contention is occuring by querying V$SESSION_WAIT

SQL> SELECT p1, p2, p3 FROM v$session_wait;

Second, identify the segment and determine the number  of free lists that currently exist for the segment identified by querying DBA_SEGMENTS.

SQL> SELECT s.segment_name, s.segment_type, s.freelists,

w.wait_time, w.seconds_in_wait, w.state

FROM dba_segments s, v$session_wait w

WHERE w.event = 'free busy waits'

AND w.p1 = s.header_file

AND w.p2 = s.header_block;

Finally, you have 2 options. You can change the object to increase the number of free lists for the object, with  Oracle9i by using the alter table command the freelist keyword. Alternatively, you can move the object to an auto managed tablespace.

With Oracle9i free space can be managed automatically inside database segments. The in-segment free or used space is tracked by using bitmaps as opposed to free lists.


Dynamic SGA and Other SGA Structures


Redo Entries

The redo log buffer of the SGA stores redo entries that log changes made to the database. The redo entries stored in the redo log buffers

are written to an online redo log file, which is used in case of recovery. The Oracle server copy redo entries from the user memory to the redo log

buffer for each DML or DDL statement. The redo entries contain the information necessary to reconstruct or redo changes made to the database. The LGWR processes

write the redo log buffer to the active online redo log file or members. It writes all redo entries that have been copied into the buffer since the last time it wrote.

Larger values for LOG_BUFFER reduce log file I/O particularly if trnasctions are long or numerous. Frequent commits will clear out the buffer, leading to a smaller buffer size.

The value of LOG_BUFFER is OS dependent.


Diagnosing Disk I/O contention

An overly active I/O system can be evidenced by disk queue lengths of greater than two, or disk service times that are over 20-30 mins. On machines with fast processors and relatively

slow disks the processors may be filling the rest of the redo log buffer in the time it takes the LGWR process to move a portion of the buffer out to disk. For this reason, a larger buffer  makes it less likely

that the new entries will collide with the part of the buffer still being written. Server processes may request space from the redo log buffer to write new entries and not find any. They will wait for LGWR to flush the buggers to disk.

The V$SESSION_WAIT indicates through log buffer space event if there are any waits for space in the log buffer because the session is writting data into the log buffer faster than LGWR can write it out.

SQL> SELECT sid, event, seconds_in_wait, state

FROM v$session_wait

WHERE event = '%log buffer space%';

The value of redo buffer allocation retries ahould be near 0. This number should not be greater than 1% of the redo entries. If this number increments consistentlly, process have to wait for space in the buffer.

The wait may be caused by the redo log buffer to be too small. In this case, you would increase the size of the redo log buffer by changing the value of LOG_BUFFER to improve the checkpointing or archiving process.

The redo log buffer is normally small and a modest increase can greatly increase the throughput. The value of SECONDS_IN_WAIT of the log buffer space event indicates the time spent waiting for space in the redo log buffer because the log

switch does not occur. This is an indication that the buffers are being filled up faster than LGWR is writing. This may also indicate disk I/O contention on the redo log files.

The redo buffer allocation retries statistic in the V$SYSSTAT view reflects the number of time a user process waits for space in the redo log buffer to copy new entries over that have been written to disk. LGWR normally writes fast enough to ensure

that space is always available in the buffer for new entries, even when access to the redo log is heavy.


WHERE name = 'redo allocation retries';

The V$SYSSTAT view displays another statistic, Redo log space requests. This statistic indicates that the active log file is full and that the Oracle server is waiting for disk space to be performing a log switch. If in V$SESSION_WAIT the value for the Log Buffer

space event indicates some time spent waiting for space in the redo log buffer consider making the log buffer bigger if it is small or moving the log  files to faster disks such as striped disks.

Investigate the possible reasons why the LGWR is slow in freeing buffers. If there is disk I/O contention on the redo log files, check that the redo log files are stored on separate fast devices.

If the V$SYSTEM_EVENT view check the number of occurences of the log file switch completion event which identifies the number of log switch waits. Increase the size of the redo log files.

SQL> SELECT event, total_waits, time_waited, average_wait

FROM v$system_event

WHERE event like 'log file switch completion';

DBWn has not completed checkpointing the file when the LGWR needs the file again. LGWR has to wait. In the alert.log file check for the message CHECKPOINT NOT COMPLETE.

In the V$SYSTEM_EVENT view, check the nuber of occurences of the event Log File Switch (Checkpoint Incomplete). These occurences identify the log file switch waits because of incomplete checkpoints.

SQL> SELECT event, total_waits, time_waited, average_wait

FROM v$system_event

WHERE event like 'log file switch%';

When the Archiver process ARCH cannot write to the archived redo log files or archive fast enough, it prevents the LGWR from writing. Confirm that the archive device is not full, then add redo log groups.

SQL> SELECT event, total_waits, time_waited, average_wait

FROM v$system_event

WHERE event like 'log file switch%';

The LGWR process starts a new ARCn process whenever the current number of ARCH processes is insufficient. If you anticipate a heavy workload for archiving you can specify multiple archiver processes with the LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES parameter.

LGWR is slow in in freeing buffers when the DB_BLOCK_CHECKSUM parameter is set to TRUE therefore adding performance overhead.

Avoid logging bulk operations in the redo log by using SQL*Loader and NOLOGGING mode.


Sizing the Java Pool Memory

When a user's session-during Java state exceeds this size, a warning is written into an RDBMS trace file. The default is 1MB. The JAVA_SOFT_SESSIONSPACE_LIMIT parameter allows you to specify a soft limit on Java memory usage in a session. When a user session-duration

Java state attempts to exceed the size of JAVA_MAX_SESSIONSPACE_SIZE parameter, the session is killed with an out of memory failure. The default size is 4GB. This limit is set purposefully very high as not to be visible normally.

The JAVA_MAX_SESSIONSPACE_SIZE parameter specifies the maximum amount of session space made available to a Java program executing in the server. If a user invoked Java program is not self limiting in its memory usage, setting a maximum amount of session space places a hard

limit available to it. When the value for the JAVA_MAX_SESSIONSPACE_SIZE is exceeded, Oracle9i displays the ORA-29554 message.

SIzing the SGA for Java

The Java engine uses about 8KB per loded class. The Shared Pool is also temporarily used by the class loader while loading and resolving classes into the database. While loading and resolving particularly large JAR files, you can use 50MB of the Shared Pool memory.

The UGA is allocated in the Large Pool when the LARGE_POOL_SIZE is included in the init.ora file. The Java Pool is a structure in the SGA that is used for all session specific Java code and data within the EJE. During instance startup the Java pool is allocated a fixed amount

of memory equal to the init parameter JAVA_POOL_SIZE. Generally, the JAVA_POOL_SIZE should be set to 50MB or higher for large applications (the default is 20MB).


Sizing of the UGA (USer Global Area)

If you are using the Oracle shared server the large pool is not configured, then user session and cursor stateinformation is stored in the Shared Pool instead of in private user memory.

Sort area and private SQL areas are included in the session information. this is because shared servers work on a per statement basis, so any server may need access to any user's information. this part of the Shared Pool is called the UGA. The total memory for shared servers will be less than

dedicated servers. You may want to increase the SHARED_POOL_SIZE but your private user memory is lower. For all Oracle shared server connections you need tocomute the amount of space required for all shared server users to put their session memory in the shared pool. this example displays the computation of

UGA space used by your connection.

SQL> SELECT SUM(value) || ' bytes' "Total session memory"


WHERE name = 'session uga memory'

AND v$mystat.statistic# = v$statname.statistic#;


Large Pool

LArge pool is set by LARGE_POOL_SIZE lets you specify the size of the large pool allocation heap. The large pool allocation heap is used by shared server systems for session memory by parallel execution for message buffers and by backup processes fro disk I/O buffers.

The large pool must be explicitely configured. The memory does not come out of the shared pool, but directly out of the SGA therefore adding to the amount of shared memory. The large pool is used to provide large memory allocations for session memory for the I/O server processes, backup and restore operations.

The memory for Oracle backup and restore operations and for I/O server processes is allocated in buffers of a few hundred kilobytes. The Large Pool is better able to satisfy such requests than the Shared Pool.

By allocating session memory from the Large Pool for the shared server the server can use the Shared Pool primarily for caching shared SQL and avoid the performance overhead caused by extra information in the shared pool.


Dynamic SGA - Size Parameters

A dynamic SGA implementation allows SGA configuration to change while the instance is running. Dynamic SGA allows sizes of the Buffer Cache and Shared Pool to be changed without shutting down the instance. Concievably the Buffer Cache and Shared Pool could be initially under-configured and would grow and shrink depending upon

their respective workloads. You should configure instances to start with less than the maximum amount of memory the OS makes available, and allows the structure to change as needed.

For optimal performance in most systems the entire SGA should fit into real memory. If it does not, and virtual memory is used to store parts of it then overall database performance can decrease dramatically because portions of the SGA are written to and from disk by the OS. The amount of memory dedicated to all shared areas in the

SGA also has erformance impact. The size of the SGA is determined by several init parameters - DB_CAHE_SIZE, LOG_BUFFER, SHARED_POOL_SIZE and LARGE_POOL_SIZE.


Shared Pool


The size allocation requires that size must be an an integer multiple of the granule size and the total SGA size cannot exceed the value of the SGA_MAX_SIZE.


Buffer Cache - Parameters

The Buffer Cache parameters DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS, BUFFER_POOL_KEEP, and BUFFER_POOL_RECYCLE are deprecated but have maintained for backward compatibility. The Buffer Cache consists of independent subcaches for buffer pools and multiple block sizes. the parameter DB_BLOCK_SIZE determines the primary block size, which is used for the SYSTEM tablespace.

In Oracle9i the value of DB_CACHE_SIZE refers to only the size of the default buffer pool. The buffer cache advisory enables and disables statistics gathering.


The buffer cache advisory info is in V$DB_CACHE_ADVICE.



A granule is unit of continuous virtual memory allocation. The basic unit of work inparallelism called a granule. The number of granules and their size correlates with the Degree of Parallelism (DOP). The size of a granule depends on the estimated total SGA_MAX_SIZE size  parameter. If SGA_MAX_SIZE is less than 128M then the granule size is 4M, if it is

> 128M. the granule size is 16M. The buffer cache and shared pool are allowed to grow and shrink based on granule boundaries. For each Buffer Cache cache componentthat owns granules, the number of granules allocated to that component  any pending traNSATIONS AGAINST COMPONENET, AND TARGET SIZE IN GRANULES WILL BE TRACKED AND ANALYZED BY v$bufFER_POOL. At instance

startup the Oracle server allocates granule entries one for each granule to support SGA_MAX_SIZE bytes of address space/ At stratup continues each component aquires as many  granules as it requires. The minimum SGA configuration requires at least 3 granules. There is one granule for the fixed SGA area including redo buffers, one granule for buffer cache, and one granule for shared pool

for a fixed SGA. The V$BUFFER_POOL shows all buffer pools available for instance.


I/O Slaves Mechanism

Many platforms that support asynchronous I/O for disk devices do not do so for tape devices. In this case I/O slaves can be used to do nonblocking I/O to tape devices.

The DBWR_IO_SLAVES and BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES init parameters control I/O slaves deployment. You can turn asynchronous I/O on and off with DISK_ASYNCH_IO parameters. It may be necessary to turn off the asynchronous I/O facility provided by the OS. For example if the asynchronous I/O code of the platform has bugs or inefficient asynchronous I/O can be disabled by the device

type. Ususally, the parameter should be left at the default TRUE. I/O slaves can be deployed by the DBW0 process. I/O slaves for DBW0 are allocated immediately following database open, when the first I/O request is made. The DBW0 process looks for an idle I/O slave. If one is found it gets the post. If there are no idle slaves the I/O issuer spawns one. If the allowed number of slaves

have been spawned, the issuer waits and tries again to find an idle slave. The DBW0 continues to do all the DBW0 related WORK SUCH AS GATHERING DIRTY BUFFERS INTO A BATCH.

tHE dbw0 i/o SLAVE SIMPLY DOES THE i/o ON BEHALF OF DBW0. That is the writing of the batch is parallelized between I/O slaves. This is beneficial in write intensive environments because the CPU time associated with issuing I/O can be divided between the I/O slaves.

Multiple DBWR Processes

Multiple DBWR processes can be specified by the DB_WRITER_PROCESSES parameter (DBW0 to DBW9).

SQL> SELECT total_waits FRIM v$system_event

WHERE event = '%free buffer waits%';

Consider increasing the DBWR processes of you see a high number of FREE_BUFFER_WAITS after querying the V$SYSTEM_EVENT.