Practice 1:  Basic Architecture and Concepts


This practice explores the architectural components involved in the reliability and recoverability of an Oracle database.




1.      Identify the following dynamic performance views (V$ views):

a.       What is the V$ view that you must query for the names of all data files in the database?

b.      What are the V$ views that you must query for finding the current online redo log and names of all redo logs in the database?

c.       What is the V$ view that you must query for the names of all control files in the database?

d.      Name the V$ view that you should check to find the name of the database before dropping tables or shutting down the database.

e.       Name the V$ view that you must query to locate processes still connected to the instance before shutting down the database.


1.      Solutions

a.       V$DATAFILE

b.      V$LOG and V$LOGFILE


d.      V$DATABASE

e.       V$PROCESS


2.      Describe the significance of the parameters LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL and FAST_START_IO_TARGET in

      instance recovery.


When the LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL parameter is set, the target for

checkpoint position cannot lag the end of the log by more than the number of redo log blocks specified by this parameter. This ensures that no more than a fixed number of redo blocks will need to be read during instance recovery. The dynamic initialization parameter FAST_START_IO_TARGET allows you to limit the number of blocks that must be read for crash or instance recovery. If the value of this parameter is smaller, the recovery performance is better because fewer blocks need to be recovered.


3.      What init.ora parameter configures the memory area in the SGA that buffers recovery information in memory

      before being written to disk?




4.      What is the large pool, when is it used, and what initialization parameter configures it?


The large pool is an area of the SGA that can be used for buffering information in memory for Recovery Manager when IO slaves are required. This increases the speed and efficiency of backups and restores when using RMAN. The LARGE_POOL_SIZE parameter specifies the number of bytes allocated from the SGA.



5.      Set up mirroring of control files so as to have three control files.


To add a new control file or change the number or location of the control file, use the following steps:

A. Shut down the database:


B. Copy the existing control file to a different device using

     operating system commands:



     $cp -p <path to existing file>/control0l.ctl <path to new


     $chmod g+wx $HOME/DATA/DISK3/control03.ctl


     $chmod 770 $HOME/DATA/DISK3/control03.ctl

In NT:

C:> copy <path to existing file>/control0l.ctl <path to new


C. Edit or add the CONTROL_FILES parameter and specify names for

      all the control files:


   $vi init.ora control_files=<path>/control0l.ctl,

     <path>/control02.ctl, <path>/control03.ctl

In NT:

   Notepad init.ora control_files=<path>\control0l.ctl,

   <path>\control02.ctl, <path>\control03.ctl

D. Start up the database:



Practice: Generating Archive Logs


In this practice you will generate archive logs. More specifically you will:










1.   If your database is not already open, then start SQL*Plus, connect as SYSDBA and start your instance and open your database.



SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Apr 10 21:55:11 2002


(c) Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.


Connected to an idle instance.


SQL> startup

ORACLE instance started.


Total System Global Area   40449292 bytes

Fixed Size                    70924 bytes

Variable Size              32108544 bytes

Database Buffers            8192000 bytes

Redo Buffers                  77824 bytes

Database mounted.

Database opened.





2.   Check if your database is in archivelog mode and whether automatic archiving has been started.



SQL> archive log list

Database log mode              No Archive Mode

Automatic archival             Disabled

Archive destination            E:\816NF\ARCHIVE\ARCHIVE1

Oldest online log sequence     155

Current log sequence           157



As we can see, the database currently is in noarchivelog mode, and automatic archiving is disabled. The fact that it is noarchivelog mode means that currently the open database backup is not alllowed.



Practice 2: Archivelog and NoArchivelog Modes


In this practice you will investigate the differences between the two modes and you will switch your database mode.




1.      This practice assumes that your database is currently in noarchivelog mode.




1.    Connect to SQL *Plus as sysdba and place the database in mount state.


If the database is open, then shutdown the database. Exit the SQL*PLUS session, then follow these steps:

1.        $ sqlplus /nolog

2.    SQL> connect / as sysdba   --  if you’re using OS authentication of privileged users.

3.    SQL> startup mount            --  You may need to add pfile=<location of parameter file>


2.      List the parameters LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST, LOG_ARCHIVE_START, and 

      LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT, and note the values.


SQL> show parameter archive    


 NAME                          TYPE             VALUE

log_archive_dest              string         ?/dbs/arch

log_archive_dest_l            string

log_archive_dest_2            string

log_archive_dest_3            string

log_archive_dest_4            string

log_archive_dest_5            string

log_archive_dest_state_l      string         enable

log_archive_dest_state_2      string         enable

log_archive_dest_state_3      string         enable

log_archive_dest_state_4      string         enable

log_archive_dest_state_5      string         enable

log_archive_duplex_dest       string

log_archive_format            string         %t_%s.dbf

log_archive_max_processes     integer

log_archive_min_succeed_dest  integer

log_archive_start             boolean        FALSE

standby_archive_dest          string         ?/dbs/arch)


3.      Execute the command ARCHIVE LOG LIST. Note the log mode of the database and

      whether automatic archival is enabled.


SQL> archive log list;


Database log mode             No Archive Mode

Automatic archival            Disabled

Archive destination           /oracle/core/8.1.5/dbs/arch

Oldest online log sequence    240

Next log sequence to archive  241

Current log sequence          241


4.      Set the database in archivelog mode and Open the database.


SQL> alter database archivelog;

Database altered.

SQL> alter database open;

Database altered.


5.      Shut down the instance with the IMMEDIATE option.


SQL> shutdown immediate;

Database closed.

Database dismounted.

ORACLE instance shut down.


6.      Edit the init.ora file to:

a.       Enable automatic archiving using two archive processes.

b.      Archive log files to two destinations.

c.       Use the archiving format of arch_%s. arc


a. log_archive_maxprocesses = 2

   log_archive_start = true


b. log_archive_dest_l = "LOCATION=<path>/ARCHIVE/ MANDATORY"

   log_archive_dest_2 = "LOCATION=<path>/ARCHIVE2/ OPTIONAL"


c. log_archive_format = arch_%s.arc


7.      Set the database in archivelog mode and Open the database.


SQL> alter database archivelog;

Database altered.

SQL> alter database open;

Database altered.



8.      Verify that two archive processes are running.


SQL> select * from v$archive_processes;



--------- ---------- ------------ ----

        0 ACTIVE                0 IDLE

        1 ACTIVE                0 IDLE

        2 STOPPED               0 IDLE

        3 STOPPED               0 IDLE

        4 STOPPED               0 IDLE

        5 STOPPED               0 IDLE

        6 STOPPED               0 IDLE

        7 STOPPED               0 IDLE

        8 STOPPED               0 IDLE

        9 STOPPED               0 IDLE


10 rows selected.



9.      Execute the ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE command twice, then show the values of the ARCHIVE parameters.

      Do you see any archived log files? What is the format of the filename?


SQL> alter system switch logfile;

System altered.

SQL> alter system switch logfile;

System altered.

SQL> select name, value

2 from v$parameter

3 where name like 'log_archive%';


  NAME                           VALUE

Log_archive_start            TRUE



log_archive_dest_l           LOCATION=$HOME/ARCHIVE MANDATORY

log_archive_dest_2           LOCATION=$HOME/ARCHIVE2 OPTIONAL




log_archive_dest_state_l     enable

log_archive_dest_state_2     enable

log_archive_dest_state_3     enable

log_archive_dest_state_4     enable

log_archive_dest_state_5     enable

log_archive_max_processes    2

log_archive_min_succeed_dest 1

log_archive_format           arch-%s.arc




10.  Investigate the archive files that were generated by the log switches.  How many archive files were created? 

      Were the same files created in both archive destinations?





 total 154

-rw-rw loracle dba 77824 Mar 2303:28 arch_121.arc

-rw-rw loracle dba  1024 Mar 2303:28 arch_122.arc



-rw-rw loracle dba 77824 Mar 2303:28 arch_121.arc

-rw-rw loracle dba  1024 Mar 2303:28 arch_122.arc


In NT:

Use Windows Explorer and navigate to the archive directories.  From toolbar choose detail listing.


3.   Place the database in archivelog mode, if it has not already been done, and make sure to enable automatic archiving.



The content of the init.ora parameter file has to be modified, to contain the following line:


log_archive_start    = true

log_archive_format   = arch_%S.log

log_archive_dest     = D:\oracle\oradata\orcl\archive


In order for these values to take effect, the instance has to be restarted. Next, the database should be in mounted mode, in order to change it from noarchivelog mode to archivelog mode. The shortest way to achieve all this is the following:


SQL> shutdown

Database closed.

Database dismounted.

ORACLE instance shut down.

SQL> startup mount

ORACLE instance started.


Total System Global Area   40449292 bytes

Fixed Size                    70924 bytes

Variable Size              32108544 bytes

Database Buffers            8192000 bytes

Redo Buffers                  77824 bytes

Database mounted.

SQL> alter database archivelog;


Database altered.


SQL> alter database open;


Database altered.


SQL> archive log list

Database log mode              Archive Mode

Automatic archival             Enabled

Archive destination            D:\oracle\oradata\orcl\archive

Oldest online log sequence     155

Next log sequence to archive   157

Current log sequence           157





 4.  Generate archive logs automatically by forcing a log switch



SQL> archive log list

Database log mode              Archive Mode

Automatic archival             Enabled

Archive destination            D:\oracle\oradata\orcl\archive

Oldest online log sequence     156

Next log sequence to archive   157

Current log sequence           157


SQL> alter system switch logfile;


System Altered


SQL> archive log list

Database log mode              Archive Mode

Automatic archival             Enabled

Archive destination            D:\oracle\oradata\orcl\archive

Oldest online log sequence     157

Next log sequence to archive   158

Current log sequence           158





5.   Generate archive logs manually by using the ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE command.



SQL> archive log list

Database log mode              Archive Mode

Automatic archival             Enabled

Archive destination            D:\oracle\oradata\orcl\archive

Oldest online log sequence     157

Next log sequence to archive   158

Current log sequence           158


SQL> alter system archive log current;


System Altered


SQL> archive log list

Database log mode              Archive Mode

Automatic archival             Enabled

Archive destination            D:\oracle\oradata\orcl\archive

Oldest online log sequence     158

Next log sequence to archive   159

Current log sequence           159





You have completed the practice.


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