Oracle Data Guard


Data Availability Modes in Data Guard

  1. Guaranteed protection – no data divergence, LGWR sends redo log records to standby
  2. Instant protection – no data loss, LGWR sends redo records to standby
  3. Rapid protection – LGWR slaves send redo records to standby. No guarantee for primary modifications to be available on standby when primary commits
  4. Delayed protection – same as in Oracle9i, one log behind.


Data Availability Mode Configuration Process

For manual standby configuration you need to specify a:

  1. Redo log writing process (LGWR/ARCH) – LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n=’SERVICE=stby1 LGWR’
  2. Network transmission mode (SYNC/ASYNC) – LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n=’SERVICE=stby1 LGWR SYNC’
  3. Method of writing archive logs to disk (NO/AFFIRM) - LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n=’SERVICE=stby1 LGWR SYNC AFFIRM’
  4. Redo log reception option – standby redo logs or normal archived redo logs


Oracle Data Guard Manager

Oracle Data Guard Manager is an easy to use OEM application. It provides the monitoring, control and automation necessary to manager Data Guard configuration, including the primary and standby databases, log transfer and log apply services. There are two standby databases – logical and physical.


What is a Physical Standby Database?

A physical standby database is physically identical to the primary database on a block for block basis. The physical standby database is updated by performing recovery of the log files received from the primary database. It can either be recovering data or or open for read only reporting.


A production (primary) database is linked to one or more physical and/or logical standby databases (up to nine0 that are copies of the production database.  The standby database is updated by automatically shipping redo logs as the primary database creates them. Redo information is applied to each standby database by using standard Oracle recovery.

The primary database is open and active. Physical standby databases are either in recover mode, or read-only, both not both. During an unplanned downtime of the primary database you can perform a failover to one of the standby databases.

During planned downtime for hardware upgrades and maintenance you can do a switchover where a standby database becomes the primary database.


Tasks to perform to set up the data guard


  1. Setting up the preferred credentials for your database and node
  2. Using Data Guard Manager to create a physical standby database
  3. Changing the state of the physical standby database
  4. Discovering the physical standby database in EM
  5. Opening physical standby database in read only mode
  6. Changing the data protection mode
  7. Creating and registering the Data Guard Even tests
  8. Triggering the data guard event tests
  9. Performing a switchover
  10. Removing the Data Guard configuration and the Physical Standby database


  1. Setting the preferred credentials for your database and node

Before you can create a standby database using Data Guard manager, you need to make sure that your preferred credentials in OEM are set correctly. To do this:

Start, Programs, OMS, sysman/sysman.

From the console, select the Configuration pulldown, select preferences, preferred credentials. Select your primary database ( and make sure sys is contained in the user name as SYSDBA.

For your DEFAULT node, make sure that username can “Log on as batch job”.

You also need to make sure that this user is an administrator, assigned to the ORA_DBA group.


  1. Using Data Guard Manager to create a physical standby database


From OEM, select tools, database applications, data guard manager.

Select Configuration Wizard. The Wizard creates a data Guard configuration that contains two sites: a primary and a standby site that are typically located on different nodes. Before creating a standby database, some prerequisites have to be met.

Create a Data Guard configuration named config1, click next. In the Primary database pane add the primary database to the configuration – Enter site_a for the primary site name, click next.

 In the Standby Creation method choose Create a New Physical Standby database and click next. You can create the physical standby database in any Oracle 9i home. Select the node and Oracle home for the standby database. Enter site_b for the standby site name, click next.

In the Datafile Copy Location screen you will create a separate directory and place all the physical standby database datafiles in that directory. Copy all files to same directory on standby node and Standby archived log file directory fields enter the directory d:\oracleoradata\orcl2 and click next.

The Wizard selects appropriate values for all parameters. Make sure the standby database name is set to orcl2 and click next. Processing completes.

From the Data Guard manager Navigator expand your configuration config1. Login as sys through your primary database orcl.

Your physical standby database has now been created and is online. You will next simulate a working environment and how the Data Guard Manager can be used to handle log files and database downtime.

Changing the state of the physical standby database – Online, Apply Off, Read Only and Offline) when the log files are transported and applied to the standby database.

Expand site_b, then click on site_b_orcl2. Notice that the status is currently set to online. You will change the state of the physical database to Apply Off. Set State button.

Select Apply off state, and click OK – database is mounted standby, log apply is stopped.

To see what happens when a log is created switch to the OEM console. Since the primary database was shut down and restarted when you created the standby database you will need to reconnect to the database. Once you login, expand the primary database then Storage and right click on the Redo log groups. Select Switch Logfile.

Switch to data Guard manager and select the site_b_orcl2 database again. Then select Log files tab. You will notice that the logs have been transported from the primary database but not applied. You will change the state of the physical standby to online and then see that logs are applied. Click Set State button (Online database is mouned standby, log apply is started). When complete, choose Close. To see that the logs have been applied  select the standby database, click on Log Files, hit refresh. The logs are gone (applied).


  1. Discovering the physical standby database in EM

Restart the Intelligent agent on the standby node, refresh the nodes in OEM.

  1. Opening the Physical standby database in read only mode.

Expand site_b then click on site_b_orcl2. Click set state. Choose read only – database is open read only, log apply is stopped. The database is now read-only.


  1. Changing the data protection mode

Select data guard configuration config1, click data protection tab. To be in Maximum protection mode you will need to create the Standby Redo Logs. Click on the Standby Redo Log Assistant. Click OK to create the standby redo logs on both the primary database and physical standby database.

To change the data protection mode to maximum protection the LogXptMode must be set to SYNC. Select the physical standby database, site_b_orcl2, click the Properties tab. Click in the value filed for the property name LogXptMode, select SYNC from dropdown, click next. Now you are ready to change the data protection mode for site_a. Select config1, select Data Protection, Maximum Protection.

Changing the protection mode requires the primary instance to be shutdown and restarted. If one or both nodes are down biring them up in NOMOUNT state.


Creating and registering Data Guard test events


Switch to EM console. Right click on Events and Create Event. Enter Data Guard events:

Data Guard Actual Apply Delay

Data Guard Data Not Applied

Data Guard Logs Not Applied

Data Guard Logs Not Shipped

Data Guard Potential Data Loss

Data Guard Status

For each selected test set the critical threshold to 3 and the warning threshold to 1. Select interval to 1 minute, select register and add to library.


Performing a switchover


Go to Data Guard configuration config1, right click on configuration, choose switchover.



Physical vs Logical standby databases


Physical standby databases –protection from user and logical errors, fast failover, ability to do a planned failover for maintenance, ability to offload backups from the primary database, ability to open standby database as read-only for reporting.

Logical standby database is different from physical standby database because it does not perform media recovery, but instead applies SQL statement from the primary database. The block per block differences between the two in logical standby database.

Logical standby database has some benefits – ability to offload reporting from the primary database, ability to create additional objects to support better reporting, enables rolling upgrades of the primary database.

The logical standby database does not support all Oracle datatypes. The first step is to determine which application uses the unsupported datatypes:


SQL> SELECT DISTINCT owner, table_name

FROM dba_logstdby_unsupported

ORDER BY owner;


If your application uses unsupported datatypes, use physical standby. The next consideration is to find out if you need your database to be open read only or read-write while the updates are applied.


Creating a Physical Standby


  1. Enable archiving on the primary database


Shutdown immediate;

Startup mount;

Alter database archivelog;

Alter database open;

The LOG_ARCHIVE_START is no longer required in 10G.


  1. Create a password file


Due to new log transport security and authentication features it is mandatory to create a password file. In addition the SYS password has to be identical on all servers for log transport services to function.

$cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs

$orapwd file=orapwOrlando password=not4u

Once the password file is created you must set the following parameter in the spfile while the database is in NOMOUNT state.



  1. Enable force logging (optional)

Any logging operations performed on the primary are not fully logged with the redo stream. In the force logging mode all nologging operations are permitted to run, but the logging still takes place.



  1. Create standby redo logs (optional)

Certain protection modes, such as maximum protection and maximum availability, mandate that the redo logs be present. Standby redo logs are highly recommended regardless of your standby mode on both nodes.



(‘/database/10gDR/sr1a.dbf’) SIZE 500M;

  1. Configure the primary initialization parameters

You have to configure the primary init parameters so the database will seamlessly operate in either primary or standby mode without init modifications.

## Primary role parameters ##














## Standby role parameters ##









  1. Create a hot or cold backup of the primary database
  2. Create a standby controlfile

SQL> ALTER DATABASE CREATE STANDBY CONTROLFILE AS ‘/database/10gDR/Orlando/control_Nashville.ctl’;



  1. Create initialization parameters for standby

If your primary database is using an spfile, you can create a pfile for use with standby database.

SQL> CREATE PFILE ‘/database/10gDR/Orlando/initnashville.ora’ FROM spfile;

Once you have a pfile created for your standby you will need to add a few parameters.














## Standby role parameters ##







FAL_CLIENT= Nashville_hasun1


  1. Transfer files to standby host

Using an OS utility transfer backup files form the primary database, controlfile, init file to the standby host. If you are using RMAN, use the ‘… duplicate for standby’ operation to create a physical standby from RMAN backups.


  1. Prepare the standby host

On Windows, you have to create a service on standby host.

Oradim –NEW –SID Nashville –INTPWD Not4u –STARTMODE manual

Ensure that DRS_START is set to TRUE in both primary and standby.

Add an entry to oratab on standby so the agent will not fail.

The primary database tempfile does not move to standby, manually add them.


  1. Create the standby password file identical to primary’s


  1. Configure Oracle net components

- A listener running on the primary host

- A listener running on the standby host

- An Oracle net alias on the primary that points to the standby listener

- An Oracle net alias on the standby that points to the primary listener


  1. Create an spfile for the standby instance



  1. Start the standby database

SQL> STARTUP MOUNT; in Oracle10g, in previous versions it is MOUNT STANDBY.


  1. Begin shipping redo logs to the standby database

On the primary node enter the following command:

SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET log_archive_dest_state_2=enable scope=both;

Next, perform a log switch on the primary nodeand verify if the transmission of the log is successful.


SQL> SELECT status, error FROM v$archive_dest

WHERE dest_id=2;

If the transmission was successful, then the destination was successful.

The following statement will instruct the standby to start applying changes from redo logs:




Creating a Logical Standby



  1. Create a physical standby (above)


  1. Enable supplemental logging on the primary

When supplemental logging is enabled, additional info is placed in the redo stream which is later used in SQL Apply to properly apply the row changes. To determine if the supplemental logging is enabled:

SQL> SELECT supplemental_log_data_pk AS pk_log,

Supplemental__log_data_ui AS ui_log

FROM v$database;

If either column reports NO, you must enable supplemental logging:



(primary key, unique index) COLUMNS;


  1. Prepare initialization parameters for both primary and logical standby.

The following is an addition to the existing physical standby init file.

## Primary role parameters ##



















## Standby role parameters ##




            (‘/database/10gDR/ Nashville/’,’/database/10gDR/ Orlando/’)





Create  pfile from spfile for standby database:



Now that we have the text initialization parameter file, we can modify it to support a logical standby.

## Primary role parameters ##


















## Standby role parameters ##



FAL_CLIENT= Nashville_Reports_hasun1


  1. Shut down the standby to be transitioned
  2. Create the new logical standby controlfile on the primary database


Transfer the controlfile to the standby host’s CONTROL_FILES directories.


  1. Activate the standby database in read-write mode



We need to check in the alert.log file for the media recovery completion message: MRP0: Media recovery complete.

Activate the standby database:



  1. Reset the database using nid

It is a good practice to rename your database to something different from the value of the primary database. To do this we must first shut down the standby database and bring it back in the MOUNT state.



Next, we use the nid utility to change the database name to a distinct value on OS level.

Nid TARGET=SYS/Not4u DBNAME=Nashville_Reports. After that change the DB_NAME and ORACLE_SID to the new database name, generate a new password file.


  1. Create tempfiles for the temporary tablespace


ADD TEMPFILE ‘/database/10gDR/temp.dbf’



9. Create a database link to the primary database

This is necessary for use of the DBMS_LOGSTBY.INSTANTIATE_TABLE procedure. Reset the GLOBAL_DBNAME for logical standby so it is not the same as the primary database name.


10. Start the SQL APPLY engine



  1. Verify that the SQL Apply engine is working

SQL> SELECT type, high_scn, status

FROM v$logstdby;


Another view is DBA_LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS view. The APPLIED_SCN lists the highest SCN that have been applied to the standby database, while the NEWEST_SCN has been received from the primary.



Oracle9i R2: Data Guard SQL Logical Standby SQL Apply


Before creating a logical standby database


The following steps are handled automatically by Data Guard Manager:


-          Checking for unsupported data types

-          Activating supplemental logging

-          Placing PRIMARY in ARHIVELOG, if not already


To ensure successful of the logical standby some preliminary actions must be performed:

-          Ensure row uniqueness

-          Verify primary is running in ARCHIVELOG

-          Enable FORCE LOGGING

-          Start Resource Manager if you wish to perform a hot backup

-          Create an alternate tablespace for logical standby system tables

The following data types are not supported in logical standby: Simple and nested abstract data types, collections (nested tables and VARRAY), object references, ROWID, UROWID, LONG, LONG RAW. Tables with unsupported data types appear in the DBA_LONGSTBY_UNSUPPORTED view. Every table there will be automatically skipped.

In addition, the following are the objects not supported in logical standby databases:

- Tables and sequences in SYS schema

- Tables with unsupported data types

- Tables used to support functional materialized view

- Global temporary tables

- IOTs

- User tables that use data segment compression

- No PL/SQL job can be executed until the standby made primary


Before setting up a logical standby database, you should make sure the logical standby database can maintain the data types and tables in your primary database.

To determine whether your primary database contains unsupported objects, use the DBA_LOGSTDBY_UNSUPPORTED view. For example, enter the following query on the primary database to list the names of primary database tables (and columns and data types in those tables) that are not supported by logical standby databases:

  2  FROM   dba_logstdby_unsupported;

If the primary database contains unsupported tables, Log Apply Services will automatically exclude the tables DML when applying redo logs to the logical standby database. If these unsupported tables are critical to your business needs, consider modifying your application or use a physical standby database instead.

Note: This view does not show any tables from the SYS schema. This is because changes to the SYS schema objects are not applied to the Logical Standby database.

In order to maintain data in a logical standby database, the Log Apply Services must be able to identify the columns that uniquely identify each row that have been updated in the primary database. Table rows must be uniquely identified, either through the use of primary keys on the primary database or through the supplemental logging feature (discussed later) to identify rows that have been updated in the primary database.

The key column in the above view is BAD_COLUMN. If this view returns a row for a given table you may want to consider adding primary or unique key constraint on the table. The DBA_LOGSTDBY_NOT_UNIQUE view identifies tables that have no primary and no non-null unique indexes. Most of the tables displayed in this view are supported because their columns contain enough information to be maintained in a logical standby database. Some tables, however, cannot be supported because their columns do not contain the necessary information. Unsupported tables usually contain a column defined using an unsupported datatype. This view contains the following columns:

·                   OWNER VARCHAR2(30) Schema name

·                   TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Name of the table

·                   BAD_COLUMN VARCHAR2(1) This column contains a value of Y or N:
Y indicates the table column is defined using an unbounded data type, such as a CLOB. If two rows in the table match except in their LOB column, then the table cannot be maintained properly. Log Apply Services will attempt to maintain these tables, but you must ensure the application does not allow duplicate rows based on the non-unbounded columns.
N indicates that enough column information is present to maintain the table in the logical standby database, but the Log Transport Services and Log Apply Services would run more efficiently if you added a primary key. You should consider adding a disabled RELY constraint to these tables if the application ensures that each row is unique outside the database.

To maintain a table in a logical standby database, the supplemental logging function automatically adds column data to the redo log for every update performed on that table, as follows:

·                   If the table has a primary key or a unique index with a non-null column, the amount of additional information added to the redo log is minimal.

·                   If the table does not have a primary key, supplemental logging automatically creates a key by adding all scalar values for each row to the redo log. However, this automated key creation might result in an unnecessary increase in the amount of information written to the redo logs, and there is no guarantee that this key is unique. This case is detected by a N in BAD_COLUMN of the DBA_LOGSTDBY_NOT_UNIQUE view.

Note: Be careful to select columns for the disabled RELY constraint that will create a primary key. If the columns selected for the RELY constraint do not make a primary key for that table, Log Apply Services will fail to apply redo information to the logical standby database.

FORCE LOGGING mode is strongly recommended for logical standby databases to ensure data availability at the standby database. Data Guard Manager does not automatically enable this feature, nor does it perform any checks for it. This mode controls whether or not the primary database server logs all changes in the database except for changes to temporary tablespaces and temporary segments.

·                   FORCE LOGGING: This setting takes precedence over and is independent of any NOLOGGING or FORCE LOGGING settings you specify for individual tablespaces and any NOLOGGING setting you specify for individual database objects. All ongoing, unlogged operations must finish before forced logging can begin.

·                   NO FORCE LOGGING: Cancels the force logging mode. NO FORCE LOGGING is the default.

You can issue the following query to determine the force logging status of the primary database:

SQL> SELECT force_logging FROM v$database;


Note: It is recommended to set the FORCE LOGGING clause before performing the backup operation to create the standby database and remain in FORCE LOGGING mode for as long as the standby database is active.

You must enable supplemental logging before you create the logical standby database. This is required by LogMiner so that it can uniquely identify the redo records. Enabling supplemental logging ensures there is enough information in the redo stream to transform the data back into SQL. You should also ensure archiving of the current log file as the logical standby database cannot use redo logs that contain both supplemental log data and non-supplemental log data.

Using Data Guard Manager to create your Logical Standby database will automatically turn supplemental logging on.

The columns listed will have a value of YES when supplemental logging is turned on. The values of YES means for each one:

·                   SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_MIN
LogMiner will have sufficient information to support chained rows and various storage arrangements.

·                   SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_PK
All columns of the primary key are placed into the redo log whenever there is an update.

·                   SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_UI
If any unique key columns are modified, all other columns belonging to the unique key are also logged.

Note: If you enable supplemental logging on your primary database and you have already created physical standby databases, then you must perform the same command on each physical standby database to ensure that future switchovers work correctly. This is only required if you have not used Data Guard Manager to establish your standby configuration.

Logical standby databases use a number of tables defined in the SYS and SYSTEM schemas. By default, these tables are created in the SYSTEM tablespace. Some of these tables can rapidly become very large. To prevent these tables from expanding the SYSTEM tablespace, you should move the tables to a separate tablespace. Move the tables to the new tablespace before they are populated during the logical standby creation process.

After opening the primary database, use the CREATE TABLESPACE statement to create a new tablespace for the logical standby tables and use the DBMS_LOGMNR_D.SET_TABLESPACE procedure to move the tables into the new tablespace.

The above example shows how to create a new tablespace named LOGMNRTS$ and move the logical standby tables into that tablespace.

Note: The above step is not performed by Data Guard Manager. If the tablespace exists prior to the creation of the LogMiner data dictionary on the standby site, then LogMiner will use the pre-created, and appointed tablespace. If it does not exist, then LogMiner will use the SYSTEM tablespace as the default.

Logical standby databases use a number of tables defined in the SYS and SYSTEM schemas. By default, these tables are created in the SYSTEM tablespace. Some of these tables can rapidly become very large. To prevent these tables from expanding the SYSTEM tablespace, you should move the tables to a separate tablespace. Move the tables to the new tablespace before they are populated during the logical standby creation process.

After opening the primary database, use the CREATE TABLESPACE statement to create a new tablespace for the logical standby tables and use the DBMS_LOGMNR_D.SET_TABLESPACE procedure to move the tables into the new tablespace.

The above example shows how to create a new tablespace named LOGMNRTS$ and move the logical standby tables into that tablespace.

Note: The above step is not performed by Data Guard Manager. If the tablespace exists prior to the creation of the LogMiner data dictionary on the standby site, then LogMiner will use the pre-created, and appointed tablespace. If it does not exist, then LogMiner will use the SYSTEM tablespace as the default.

Using The Configuration Wizard

At this step all recognized existing databases by Enterprise Manager are displayed. In order to ensure a successful configuration creation using the configuration wizard you must verify the following tasks:

·                   The primary and standby databases must be Oracle9i release 9.2.0 or later if the standby database is a logical standby database.

·                   If you plan to add an existing logical standby database, it must be an Oracle9i release 9.2.0 database.

·                   If you plan to create a new logical standby database, you must have installed Oracle9i release 9.2.0 on the standby node.

Standby Environment Configuration Conditions

For the successful configuration of a standby environment, several conditions must be satisfied; they are discussed below.

New Databases
If you want to create a new database in a standby configuration, that database cannot already be part of an existing standby configuration, and must have never existed in a standby configuration before.

Configure the Primary Database
The primary database must be configured with a remote login password file so you can connect to it from Enterprise Manager with SYSDBA privileges. The wizard requires you connect to the primary database as a user with SYSDBA privileges. To do this, there must be an Oracle Net listener running on the primary database on a TCP address. The primary database must be configured to use the server parameter (SPFILE) file.

Configure the Standby Site
When adding an existing standby database, the standby database must meet the same requirements as for the primary site. If you use the wizard to create the standby database, you do not need to do this step.

Start the Intelligent Agent on the Primary and Standby Sites
See the Enterprise Manager documentation for more information.

Discover the Primary and Standby Nodes using the Discovery Wizard
Discovering the primary node identifies the primary database. Discovering the standby nodes identifies either the standby database (if it exists) or the Oracle home where you plan to create the new standby database.

Note: If a physical standby is to be included in the configuration, the minimum release can be Oracle9i release 9.0.

In the following screen illustrations we are using the Configuration Wizard to create a new logical standby database. Data Guard Manager makes numerous environment checks as it collects its information. It will warn you if your shared pool is lower then 160 MB. Although a Logical standby can be run with a shared pool smaller then 160 MB, you may have performance issues in a production environment if it is below this.

If the primary database is open and Resource Manager is not turned on then you will see the warning screen above. If you are not running the primary database with the Resource Manager active, the wizard will shutdown the primary instance. This ensures a quiesced database. This quiesced state is essential to allow you to perform administrative operations that cannot be safely performed in the presence of concurrent transactions or PL/SQL operations.

If you are running with the Resource Manager active, you will avoid this shutdown step. However, the Resource Manager must have been active since the primary instance startup. If you do not have Resource Manager active, you can define the RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN initialization parameter to use a resource plan and then shut down and start up the primary database. If you do not have a resource plan, use one of the supplied plans by defining the SYSTEM_PLAN attribute. The following example shows how to set the RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN initialization parameter:



If the RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN initialization parameter was not defined when you started the instance, you must restart your primary database to ensure that the Resource Manager is running. However, this can still be faster than performing a cold backup procedure.

Note: Even though RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN is a dynamic parameter, it must be set since the startup of the primary instance in order to support a successful logical standby creation. If you must set the parameter dynamically, ensure the primary database is restarted prior to attempting a logical standby creation. Resource Manager is required to effect the database quiesce.

This screen illustrates the structures that are not supported by the Log Apply Services. It is equivalent to the data returned by querying the data dictionary view DBA_LOGSTDBY_UNSUPPORTED.

The Configuration Wizard will set the conditions to enable supplemental logging for the primary database. The supplemental information maintained in the redo logs helps SQL apply operations correctly maintain tables in the logical standby database.

Setting the Standby Oracle Home

This screen allows you to set the name of the standby site.

If you are having both the primary and the logical standby databases on the same machine, then the LOCK_NAME_SPACE parameter will be set by the wizard in both initialization parameter files with different values. Because both databases have the same database name, they cannot be mounted at the same time on the same machine unless this parameter is used.

If the list of Oracle homes is empty, an error dialog is shown when the page displays and the wizard will exit automatically. The configuration wizard retrieves the architecture information from Enterprise Manager discovery information and compares the standby site against the primary site. The check does not validate directory structure or software versions.

Datafile Copy Location

This screen allows you to specify the path names for the data files and controlfile locations. You can choose to copy all files to the same directory location or select a different location for the associated files. You can also use the file location assistant. This allows you to set up a pattern from the primary to the standby side. Or you can explicitly type in each one.

The Configuration wizard will confirm if you wish to create the directory paths if they do not already exist.

The wizard will set the following initialization parameters:

Converts the filename of a new datafile on the primary database to a filename on the standby database

Converts the filename of a new log file on the primary database to the filename of a log file on the standby database

The filename formats of archived redo logs should include a sequence number. Specify the LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT initialization parameter to make the sequence number part of the filename for the archived redo log. For example: LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT = log%t_%s.arc

Automatically defines a destination and the attributes for the Log Transport Services. Defaults to ARCH and ASYNC attributes.

Ensures the value of the LOG_PARALLELISM parameter is set the value of 1. Changing this parameter affects the way redo logs are written. Logminer cannot read log files if this parameter is greater than 1.

Set on the standby databases. This can be set on the primary database if you expect to perform switchover operations. Log Apply Services use parallel execution processes to perform processing, and use parallel apply algorithms to maintain a high level of database performance. A minimum of 5 parallel query processes is required. Thus, the value of the PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS parameter must be 5 or greater. By default, all of the available parallel query processes are used for Log Apply Services. To strictly control the number of processes used by Log Apply Services, use the procedure DBMS_LOGSTDBY.APPLY_SET ('MAX_SERVERS',...). For more information on this procedure refer to the next lesson in this course.

The STANDBY_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter on the logical standby database allows the RFS process to identify where to locate incoming archive log files produced by the primary database.

Enables or disables automatic standby file management. When automatic standby file management is enabled, operating system file additions and deletions on the primary database are replicated on the standby database. Care must be taken when setting STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT and DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT so that existing standby files will not be accidentally overwritten. If the standby database is on the same system as the primary database, then ensure that the primary and standby systems do not point to the same files.

Set on the primary and standby databases. Log Apply Services use the shared pool’s system global area (SGA) to stage the information read from the redo logs. The more SGA available, the more information can be staged. By default, one quarter of the value set for the SHARED_POOL_SIZE parameter will be used by Log Apply Services. Use the DBMS_LOGSTDBY.APPLY_SET('MAX_SGA',...) procedure to strictly control the amount of SGA allocated for Log Apply Services.

Configuration Options

The configuration options screen allows you to set the unique name for the instance. This sets the INSTANCE_NAME initialization parameter.

You are able to view and edit the initialization parameter file. However, you should not alter any of the Data Guard required parameters. Any such alteration will be ignored by Data Guard Manager, and defaults will apply. It is recommended that you use this window to set the password for the SYS user to a non-default value.

The wizard automatically modifies the standby node’s listener configuration file. The wizard assumes that it will find the listener configuration file in the default location of the standby Oracle home chosen for the new standby. You can specify a different location for the file, ensuring that the file exists on the node before beginning.

The parameter DB_BROKER_START parameter is set to true. This enables Oracle to determine whether or not the Data Guard Broker (DMON) process should be started. The automatic startup of the DMON process is simplified by setting DG_BROKER_START to true in the initialization parameter file.

Summary Window

This summary screen displays some of the information collated. Pressing Finish on this screen will bring you to the last screen of the wizard which shows the progress of the creation of the logical standby. Once it is completed press Close and you will return to the Data Guard Manager main window.

As the Configuration wizard will use hot backup mode to copy the files, ensure that there are no RMAN backup operations in place at the same time. You can query v$session_longops using the following query to determine if RMAN is running:

SQL> SELECT sid, serial#, context, sofar, totalwork,
  2         ROUND(sofar/totalwork*100,2) "% COMPLETE"
  3  FROM   v$session_longops
  4  WHERE  opname LIKE 'RMAN%'
  5  AND    opname NOT LIKE '%aggregate%'
  6  AND    totalwork != 0
  7  AND    sofar <> totalwork;

The columns from the resulting SQL statement which is run in MONITORJOB, refer to RMAN jobs in this manner:

·                   SOFAR: Number of blocks read/or put into the buffer by the RMAN process

·                   TOTALWORK: Total number of blocks to be read and/or put into the buffer

·                   %COMPLETE: Percentage of SOFAR/TOTALWORK * 100

Progress Window

Having set the Data Guard Manager configuration options through the previous screens, Data Guard Manager now implements the changes:

·                   Supplemental logging is enabled on the primary site as the very first action

·                   The primary database is shutdown and restarted as the Resource Manager was not enabled for the instance

·                   The datafiles and controlfile are copied in hot backup mode to the standby site and renamed to the new directory structure (if necessary)

·                   If your primary database had tempfiles, they were not copied to the standby. New temporary datafiles are added to the standby site

·                   The logical standby database name is changed using the DBNEWID utility

·                   The Log Apply Services is started for the logical standbv site.

·                   The server parameter file is created for the standby

·                   The Data Guard initialization parameters are set for the standby

·                   The Data Guard Broker is started

·                   The configuration is enabled

Data Guard Manager Automates

Data Guard Manager starts the Log Apply Services and builds the LogMiner dictionary into the redo stream. Building the LogMiner dictionary adds the primary Oracle data dictionary information in the archived redo logs so that Log Apply Services can correctly interpret the redo data. This dictionary information is used by the logical apply engine to manage the logical standby database.

On the primary database, the Configuration Wizard executes the above SQL statement to build the dictionary.

Data Guard Manager uses the DBNEWID (nid) operating system utility to change the database name of the logical standby database. Changing the name prevents any interaction between this copy of the primary database and the original primary database. The following example starts and mounts the database, changes the database name, and shuts down the standby database:


Connected to database ORCL (DBID=1456557175)

Control Files in database:
Change database ID and database name ORCL to ORCL3? (Y/[N]) => y
Proceeding with operation
Changing database ID from 1456557175 to 416458362
Changing database name from ORCL to ORCL3
Control File /private2/ade/oradata/orcl3/t_cf1.f - modified
Datafile /private2/ade/oradata/orcl3/t_db1.f - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /private2/ade/oradata/orcl3/log_mnrts.f-dbid changed, wrote new name
Control File /private2/ade/oradata/orcl3/t_cf1.f-dbid changed, wrote new name
Database name changed to ORCL3.
Modify parameter file and generate a new password file before restarting.
Database ID for database ORCL3 changed to 416458362.
All previous backups and archived redo logs for this database are unusable.
Shut down database and open with RESETLOGS option.
Successfully changed database name and ID.
DBNEWID - Completed successfully.


The Configuration Wizard changes the DBNAME initialization parameter on the standby.

Note: For more details on this utility please refer to the Oracle9i Database Utilities Release 2 (9.2).

By default, it is not possible for a non privileged user to modify data on a logical standby database. This is because the database guard is automatically set to ALL when the Log Apply Services are started by the Data Guard Manager or when the following SQL command is issued:


With this level of security, only SYS can modify data.

As a DBA you have the ability to change this security level to the STANDBY level. In this case, users are able to modify data that is not maintained by the logical apply engine. That is users will have access to any manually skipped objects on the standby (see later in this course), or any explicitly created objects on the standby when in the STANDBY security level. A security level of NONE allows any user access to the standby database.



SQL Commands for logical standby


Performs a switchover operation to change the current primary database to the standby role, and to change one standby database to a primary role. The SQL statement clauses will differ depending on the standby configuration (primary / physical / logical). Can only be entered when the logical standby database is open.

This statement starts Log Apply Services on the logical standby database. Include the INITIAL keyword to begin Log Apply Services for the first time on the logical standby database. This statement also prevents users from making any modifications to the data being maintained in the logical standby database. Can only be entered when the logical standby database is open.

Allows the manual registration of archived redo logs. This is useful for when a database backup and associated log files are being recovered from an archive to be used as a new standby. It is also useful for disaster scenarios where the final log file hasn’t been successfully archived. The administrator can manually copy the file to the standby, then use this command to feed it to the logical standby database apply engine.

Stops Log Apply Services on a logical standby database. Can only be entered when the logical standby database is open.

Performs a forced failover operation, where the primary database is removed from the Standby environment and a standby database assumes the primary role.This command will succeed no matter what the state of the existing primary database is. If more than one logical standby database exists, care must be taken to ensure the same amount of log data is available on all the systems. The standby database must be mounted before it can be activated.









Bringing the standby database online manually





On primary –




On standby –




Database manual switchover steps

  1. End read or update activity on the primary and standby databases
  2. Prepare the primary database for switchover

SQL> SELECT switchover_status FROM v$database;


  1. Shut down and startup the former primary instance without mounting the primary database.
  2. Mount the former primary database to switch to standby database role.
  3. Prepare the former standby database for switchover to primary database role.

SQL> SELECT switchover_status FROM v$database;


  1. Go to former primary, put it in managed recovery mode.
  2. Startup the former standby as primary.