Practice: Configure the Oracle Shared Server


In this practice you will set up your instance to use dispatcher and shared server processes.





1.      Start a Telnet session (if you’re using a remote server) or open an operating system prompt. Configure and start up Oracle Shared Server for your database so that you have one dispatcher listening for TCP/IP connections, and one shared server to server user requests. Specify the maximum dispatchers as two and maximum shared servers as six.  Note: Since the listener that you are using is not listening on the default port of 1521, you must define the local_listener parameter in your init.ora file and include a listener alias and address in your tnsnames.ora file.  If this parameter is not properly defined, the instance will not start since the dispatcher processes will not know how to register with the listener.


·        Shut down your instance and add the following parameters to your init.ora file you use to start your instance.


local_listener=listener01 (your_listener_name


dispatchers = "(PROTOCOL=TCP)(DISPATCHERS=1)”












·        Add the following lines to your tnsnames.ora file using Net Manager or manually: = (description =


(HOST=your_host) ç host name of DB server

(PORT = 1701)))



·        Restart your instance




This completes this practice.




ã Oracle Corporation, 2002